welcome to the cannibal glow

im abigail, 22 year old emo transfem Weird Girl unextraordinaire
i put a lot of dumb shit on the internet that you might know me by, or when i rushed out some garbage half-life mod when i was 17
if youre on my good side you could probably hit me up lest i send to the grave like myself

if anything about me rings a bell and you saw my old site that i shut down around 2018 from an outing scare then good for you, unfortunately im no longer the cute uwu 16 year old trans girl... these days im too dead and hollow to show that kind of sunshine

the cool kids say acab blm stan gerard way and they say it for a reason. you should too


Copr @ 2019 - 2024
Last updated: 07/10/24 12:45